Interview with David E. Perry, co-Author of “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters”

David E. PerryPreviously on Graduate Job Tips I reviewed the book, “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters” here. This time I get to chat to David E. Perry who is co-Author of the book.

Besides being a recruitment guru, David is an interesting guy with some great stories on job hunting and innovation within the space. Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters is in its 3rd edition, and without banging on about how good it is, I will just say that it is definitely worth a read for both those people that are presently looking for a job.

In this interview David tells us:

  • What a Guerrilla Job Hunter is

  • How to get a job using Facebook ads

  • Why you need to get your CV found on the web

  • Why you should stop APPLYING for jobs

  • A top recruiters secret

  • How to strategically approach interview questions

  • How to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Note: The audio quality gets a little fuzzy in places. Apologies – this was due to a temperamental internet connection

David’s links:



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