Why social media profiles are more important than a CV
The social media space is gradually becoming a centralized point of job analysis. It is becoming just as important, if not more important, than your actual CV. As the further development of technology continues it should be no surprise to see how employers and those evaluating potential employees are beginning to prefer the use of a network such as LinkedIn, as opposed to reading a CV that is composed of all the fine points you want to point out. A social media network allows the same distribution of information along with more to secure a more detailed and accurate analysis.
A CV is a composition of an individual’s successes and job history. It likely has a list of educational references and maybe the most minor identification of hobbies and interests. While this is an accurate tool for employers to use to see into your past, a profile on LinkedIn can offer the same information, as well as being able to see various group involvements and the potential of seeing your voice on opinionated subjects to name just an example. A CV offers more limited information, whereas a social media network offers an endless amount of information should the employer have enough of an interest to dig deep enough to seek it out.
Technology and communication are two key components that structure our society. Alone they enhance decisions that have an impact on all aspects that govern daily routine. Whether or a not a job is accomplished or whether or not the right information is relayed to the right individual has come down to technology, communication, and the proper and efficient use of the two. CVs are simply becoming outdated on account of having such a high amount of competition in its counterparts.
When the same information is obtainable by punching in a name and searching it on a website, as opposed to the relay of information via email, the downloading of a file, and then an analysis of the file, the comparison isn’t remotely close when it comes down to preference. In the professional world time is the most valuable commodity, and in a comparison of time, social media offers everything at a much faster speed than does the physical version of a CV or even the sending of a file.
Employers continue to rely on the social networking scheme and the further development of them to seek out potential employees that would fit best in their nature of business. On account of having so many different avenues to evaluate, it is no wonder that social networking has taken over the job networking field. While the two sound very alike, they couldn’t be more different. While one is more geared for fun and common casual discussion, the other is geared specifically for a professional purpose and accomplishing the hunt for the very best candidate.
While the two are different the end concept is they offer the same information; it’s simply a matter of how the information is put to use. They operate from the same initial point but contribute to two very different means, and that also helps in a further analysis of an individual, being able to see two very different spectrums of an individual. Social networking has become the information and technology age of a CV.
Richard McMunn, runs the leading career website How2Become. His aim is to help as many people as possible pass the recruitment process they are applying for to secure the job they have always wanted. The site offers a wide range of books and training courses for those who want to ensure they are fully prepared. You can also connect with How2become on YouTube